Sunday, October 12, 2008

Our House is on the Market

Yes, we've made the decision to put our house on the market and move to North Carolina. Why NC? Well, Bob's company is considering offering him a position in their Morrisville, NC, office so we did some checking and have decided that we're going to take the plunge.

Our house hit the MLS Friday afternoon. By Saturday morning, we already had our first "appointment" to show the house. As the day progressed, we ended up with an additional three appointments. One of the last appointments had made an offer on the house; however, our realtor does not have their prequal so she won't present us with the offer until she receives that. Today, we had one scheduled appointment and two additional appointments. Of these three, we believe one was very interested. We've also got two scheduled appointments for tomorrow. So, I guess we'll see what happens.

Until there's more to report ....


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