Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration

Today is the day the Chinese culture celebrates the Mid-Autumn Festival, or moon festival. Chinese legend says that the moon shines brightest on this day, and this is the day that families are gathered to celebrate their life together (like our traditional Thanksgiving).

This year, we decided to celebrate alone. After having our dinner (yes, we had Chinese food), we waited until dark and went out and lit a fire in the firepit. We sat out for about a half an hour watching the fire, and enjoying the bright moonlight. We were each lost in our own thoughts.

My thoughts were of the promise that one day our daughter will be sitting outside with us watching the fire and the bright moonlit sky. I'm not sure what Bob was thinking, but he was very quiet and serious. Even Shania sat quietly for a little while ~~ until she discovered the acrons on the patio!

Afterwards, we came inside and shared the Pig Mooncake that Diana had shared with Bob.

My hope is that the Gods above are watching us and hear our prayers for our baby girl ~~ whether she's already born or is yet to be born. Hopefully, the day will come sooner rather than later when we can fly to China to meet our precious bundle of joy and bring her home to make our family complete.


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TT said...

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