Saturday, September 15, 2007

Update on Life

Since my last post, I've started my new job. The first 2 weeks have been very rocky. Everyone in the office keeps telling me that it's a hard time for anyone to show me anything because they are all so busy (school audits are due October 15). And my boss is never around for me to sit and talk with.

On Friday, I sat down with the Office Manager and told her how I was feeling. I told her that I was thinking of quitting. She begged me not to quit. She said she understood how frustrated I must be because she was just as frustrated at the way things were happening. After speaking for almost an hour, I told her I'd give it one more week. So we'll see what happens.

As many of you know, we were told that Shania needs to have hip replacement. The doctor said she'd probably need to have both done, however the right one is worse off due to arthritis. Unfortunately, before we do the surgery, she's got to drop about 20-25 lbs! That's a lot of weight for a dog. After trying for about 2 or 3 weeks, she actually gained weight. The doctor did a blood test and determined that she had a hypotensive thyroid (underactive). She's now taking 2 thyroid pills a day and 4 pain pills a day. Hopefully, when I bring her in on Wednesday to get weighed, she'll have lost something!

School is going along. Unfortunately, I'm stuck in the rut that everyone seems to hit. When you get to the 160-180 class, it seems to take at least 2 semesters to pass thru. I've got one more week to get all my tests but one. Luckily, I passed one Q&A test last week. It only had 20 errors so I have plenty or room for the "Green Pen" ~~ I feel confident that I'll pass.

The construction of the basement is still on-going. Anthony was here again tonight installing the bracket for the TV. After he left, Bob and I tried to hook up the TV. What a nightmare! Not only is it very confusing, but it appears that Anthony ran the cable wire the wrong way! We decided to call the salesman at PC Richards to see about getting someone in to install it for us.

And lastly, the status of the adoption. There's no news yet. I received the monthly newsletter yesterday and here's what it said:

Update on the Wait

The CCAA is still working its way through matching November 2005. The latest round of referrals matched a total of four days, matching families with login dates through November 25, 2005. Our next group with a login date is Group JJ with a date of 11/30/05.

Having nearly finished referring families logged-in during November 2005, we are staying optimistic that the CCAA will soon be on to matching December 2005, although just how soon we'll see any sort of speed-up or know its magnitude both remain unknown.

So, the wait continues. I guess it's good in the sense that it gives us time to save some more money and get the baby's room set up.

Well, I guess that's about all for now so I'll close here. To all those reading this, be well.


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